Need Funding for your film? Then stop being so traditional…

Our fundraising strategies have helped filmmakers raise over $13,000,000.

Competition for documentary film funding from standard funders is fierce. We've all applied to the same grants and only a tiny, select few of us receive support. Sundance Labs, ITVS, Catapult Fund… the likelihood of getting a grant from these handful of funders that support filmmakers is very, very low. We need to think outside the box. 

Approaching corporate, philanthropic, and nonprofit funders outside of the traditional film funding world is much more effective. Over the last couple of years, we've helped filmmakers fundraise over $13,000,000 from funders like:

  • Corporations like Purina, Google, HOKA, 23andMe and Toyota
  • Foundations like American Psychiatric Association and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Children’s Hospitals, Universities, local Government Agencies, conferences and more

None of these non-traditional film funders are highlighted in the typical, outdated film funding playbook. This is where we come in. 

Embrace your niche

It’s time you prioritize commonly overlooked (and more effective) ways to fundraise for your film—not just to get it made, but also to get your film into the world. Rather than seek general filmmaking grants, prioritize reaching out to companies, philanthropies, rich people and nonprofits that have a track record of supporting the issues central to your film. 

These funders sometimes will tell you ‘we never support film’... but that is exactly the point! You're not seeking support from film funders. You are looking for funders who are passionate about the issues and themes that your film touches on. 

And if you can explain how your film will help open eyes and change minds related to issues they care about, you may have found the funder you've been looking for.

Let’s get started

This course on non-traditional fundraising will walk you through the essentials:

  • Creating a realistic and effective fundraising strategy
  • Identifying potential funders
  • Tracking down decision-makers
  • Crafting your pitch deck and getting to YES

Get Started